A place for skincare, beauty, and empowerment.

Jan 15, 2018
Daytime Anti Aging Moisturizer: Increase Skin Firmness and Hydration
Moisturizers do much more than simply help hydrate dry skin—they add important vitamins and nutrients to the skin and enhance its function as well, so every skin type benefits from them. Also please don’t forget your neck.

Jan 08, 2018
Age Is Truly Just A Number | Anti-Aging Skin Care Products
Age is truly just a number. Many people become depressed when they hit the big 4-0. There is no real reason to fear age 40. As a matter of fact, most people today including myself believe that 40 is the new 20.

Jan 01, 2018
Daily Skincare Regimen: Skin Deserves A Little More Attention
Leave the scary part to the costumes. Halloween, with its dress-up costumes and layers of thick, pore-clogging makeup, should be a time to take advantage of the incredible benefits of a daily skin regimen.

Dec 25, 2017
Quick Skincare Tips To Reduce Puffy Face
Have a lovely start of the week. Here are two quick skincare tips: Cut back on sodium. If diet soda is a vice that you just can’t quit—try to at least cut back to 1-2 cans a day. There is anywhere from 25 to 50 mg sodium per can and it can make your eyes and jawline puffy

Dec 18, 2017
Reduce Skin Discolorations and Blemishes
Does the MD GLAM Hyaluronic Acid Night C-Complex night cream help with discolorations and blemishes? The active ingredients in the DMAE Antioxidant Day Moisturizer and Hyaluronic Acid Night C-Complex like Vitamin C help to even and fade pigmentation

Dec 11, 2017
Vitamin C Skin Care Products – How Does It Work?
Many people ask me what the difference is between my product containing Vitamin C versus other skincare products. Vitamin C must be formulated in a way that is stable to be absorbed into the skin and be effective.

Dec 07, 2017
Can beauty sleep make you look younger?
Skin makes new collagen when you sleep, which prevents sagging. That’s part of the repair process. More collagen means skin is plumper and less likely to wrinkle.

Nov 27, 2017
Achieve Skin Purification And Clarity While Moisturizing The Skin
Deep Pore Foaming Cleanser is a gentle yet powerful formulation designed to achieve skin purification and clarity while moisturizing the skin. Vitamins A, B, C, and E support collagen, improve pigment, and reduce fine lines.

Nov 20, 2017
Do You Really Need a Facial Toner?
Why Doesn’t The MD GLAM Line Have A Facial Toner? I wanted to keep MD GLAM as easy to use as possible. Also, the complete kit provides all the same benefits as a toner would in a way that is powerful but gentle.

Nov 13, 2017
Skin Care Tip: Take Care of Your Neck
Although the neck is connected to the face many women forgot that this is still an essential area to care for just as much as the face, especially since it is one of the telltale signs of aging and gets exposed to the same environmental factors that the face does.

Nov 10, 2017
The Difference Between Face Wash and Scrub
A facial wash is smooth, usually cream textured. Facial scrubs have some kind of grit in them that is used to exfoliate more dead skin cells than a wash.

Nov 06, 2017
Protect Your Skin: Why Skin Health Is Important
This is from one of my tummy-tuck surgeries and I wanted to show you different layers of skin and how important role our skin has when it comes to protecting our body. There are three main layers of the skin.

Oct 30, 2017
6 Beauty Tips To Slow Down Skin Aging Process
While looking through my older photos I can’t help but notice that thankfully, I’ve been able to preserve the appearance of my skin. Skin aging and exposure are very unforgiving – once the facial skin gets sun damaged, wrinkled, hyperpigmented , and dry.

Oct 16, 2017
Ultimate Anti-Aging Cream To Use At Night
Hyaluronic Acid Night C-Complex is the ultimate anti-aging cream with a complete combination of anti-aging ingredients that improve the appearance of the skin. Vitamins A, B, C, and E support collagen and improve the texture and pigment of the skin.

Oct 02, 2017
Consistency Is Key: The Importance of Skin Care Routine
When it comes to skin care, consistency is key. I never skip a day cleansing my skin and applying my night moisturizer. I never skip a day applying my day moisturizer and sunscreen and I exfoliate consistently twice a week with my scrub.

Sep 11, 2017
Skin Cancer Prevention Tips To Reduce Your Risk
Since its inception in 1979, The Skin Cancer Foundation has always recommended using a sunscreen with an SPF 15 or higher as an important part of a complete sun protection regimen. Sunscreen alone is not enough, however.

Sep 04, 2017
Daytime Anti-Aging Moisturizer: Best Defense Against Dry Skin
Daily moisturizing is the best defense against dry skin. Applying lotion right after you step out of the shower seals in the moisture that your skin has just absorbed. People with dry skin may need to moisturize more often than people with regular or oily skin.

Aug 28, 2017
What You Need To Know About Skin Aging Process
There are two main processes that contribute to aging: genetics and the environment. Environmental exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, smoking, wind and chemicals cause roughness, fine lines, sagging, irregular pigmentation and decreased skin elasticity.

Aug 21, 2017
Vitamin C Anti-Aging Moisturizer – Are They All The Same?
Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant and is naturally found in the skin to protect it. Exposure to harmful UV rays and toxins in the environment creates free radicals that damage collagen as well as other components of skin.

Jan 03, 2017
What Causes Wrinkles And Why Do They Form?
As people age, they inevitably develop wrinkles, lines, and creases in their skin. Aging is a natural process but still something of a mystery. While the exact mechanisms behind the aging process are still under study, the scientific community

Nov 07, 2016
Premature Aging: 5 Habits You’re Doing That Speed Up Aging
Aging is a natural process that none of us want anything to do with. Since it’s going to happen anyway, you can at least slow down the signs of aging. This article outlines five things you might be doing that are contributing to you looking older.

Nov 07, 2016
Tips to Slow Down the Aging Process
As hard as it may be for some to accept, everyone is aging. It begins on the day you’re born and ends when you take your last breath. Although the hands of time cannot be stopped, there are several things you can do to minimize the effects of age on your body.

Nov 07, 2016
Bad Skin Habits – 6 Things Not to Do to Your Skin
There are plenty of anti-aging products on the market today. While there are many options available to help combat aging and to maintain healthy skin, it is important to pay attention to the things we do on a regular basis that contribute to aging.

Nov 07, 2016
4 Daily Must Do Things For Glowing Skin
Healthy skin starts on the inside, particularly as we get older and the body becomes less effective at producing collagen, an essential protein needed to maintain skin elasticity and prevent the signs of aging.

Nov 07, 2016
Botox Injections – What You Need To Know About
Botox is becoming an increasingly popular way for women (and men) to rejuvenate their skin and look younger. But what exactly is botox, and how does it work? Moreover, are there any risks involved with the procedure? This article answers all of these questions and more.