Bad Skin Habits – 6 Things Not to Do to Your Skin

6 Bad Skin Habits To Break
There are plenty of anti-aging products on the market today. While there are many options available to help combat aging and to maintain healthy skin, it is important to pay attention to the things we do on a regular basis that contribute to aging. Here are some helpful tips outlining what not to do as part of practicing healthy skin care.
Getting Too Much Sun Exposure
Too much time in the sun is linked to both premature aging and skin cancer. Getting 15 minutes a day of sun exposure helps us to get the healthy dose of Vitamin D, but overdoing it in the sun can be cause for concern. The sun damages healthy cells that work to renew the skin. Over time, our overexposure to the sun can result in the development of increased wrinkles and age spots, also called liver spots.
Not Applying Enough Sunscreen
Even when sunscreen is used, most people rarely apply it as needed for continuous protection from the sun’s damaging rays. It is recommended that we use a sunscreen containing a minimum of SPF 30 for adequate protection from the sun, and an ounce of sunscreen is suggested for optimal coverage. Sunscreen should be reapplied every 2 hours, and after swimming or excessive sweating. When out in the sun for prolonged periods of time, it is important to wear protective clothing in addition to sunscreen.
Using the Tanning Salon
Some people believe tanning beds are safer than actually being in the sun. Unfortunately, tanning beds expose the skin to ultraviolet light that is highly concentrated. Salon tanning exposes the skin to UVA and UVB rays, and both are known to cause cancer. While tanning salons assure their customers that this method of tanning is safe, the beds often contain UV rays in excess of defined safe limits. Tanning beds are a concern because they can contribute to both premature aging and a significantly increased risk for developing skin cancer.
Smoking also contributes to premature aging of the skin. Whereas the sun affects the outside of the skin, smoking contributes to harm and aging on the inside of the body. Smoking can also lead to slower wound healing in the body and may even cause the skin to turn yellow in color. Smoking has long been linked to emphysema, lung cancer, stroke and heart disease.
Picking at Acne
Popping or scratching blemishes can aggravate this common yet troublesome condition. Picking at acne further irritates the skin and increases the chance that dirt and bacteria will get into the affected area, leading to infection. Additionally, permanent scarring of the skin can occur as a result of continued picking and irritation. It is a good idea to avoid picking at acne in order to effectively promote healing.
Using Unhealthy Facial Cleansers
Choosing carefully when buying facial cleansing products is an important consideration as part of maintaining healthy skin. Harsh cleansers should be avoided as they can be irritating to the skin. Only facial cleansing products that contain both mild and gentle ingredients should be used. Choosing products that are free of chemical additives with natural origins contributes to the overall healthiness of skin. It is also important to wash gently and avoid scrubbing the skin as part of following a healthy cleansing routine.
Providing adequate protection from harmful UVA and UVB rays, along with reducing exposure to harmful chemicals are significant in promoting healthy aging of the skin. Likewise, providing natural, nourishing skin care for both face and body can go a long way toward having beautiful, healthy skin.