5-Minute Head Massage for Faster Hair Growth and Fewer Wrinkles

Try This 5-Minute Head Massage for Faster Hair Growth & Less Wrinkles
If there's something that everyone can agree on, it's that we'd all love to slow down the signs of aging–like slower hair growth and the emergence of fine lines and wrinkles on the skin.
The good news is that there are ways that you can reverse the signs of aging with a simple at home "self-care" routine just by using your two hands! But how is it possible for a quick 5-minute head massage to promote faster hair growth and fewer wrinkles and fine lines? In this guide, we'll discuss how a scalp massage help release scalp tension, and promote thicker hair and tighter skin. Plus, it helps that it’s super relaxing and feels amazing, too.
When it comes to slowing down the effects of aging, time is of the essence. So what are you waiting for? Continue reading below to learn everything you need to know about the 5-minute scalp and face massage.
What is a Head and Scalp Massage?
First off, let’s briefly discuss what a head and scalp massage is. A scalp massage is a massage that you or someone else gives to your scalp, head, and face, similar to a massage that you’d get on your neck, back, or body.
However, given the tenderness of the area, a head and scalp massage is on the more gentle side, and is typically done with just the fingertips and without any oils or creams.
Can a Head Massage Promote Faster Hair Growth & Fewer Wrinkles?
Now that you’re aware of what a head and scalp massage is, let’s cover some of the science behind it and how it’s effective at promoting easy hair growth, tighter skin, and less wrinkles.
The idea behind the scalp massage to grow strong hair is that the cells of the hair follicles on your head get stretched and stimulated from the rubbing motion on the scalp. This in turn promotes the growth of thicker hair. Plus, scalp massages can release scalp tension and promote better blood flow to the head, which provides the area with more oxygen and a good dose of nutrients.
A small study done in 2016 proved that regular scalp massages could promote improved hair thickness. These findings were then confirmed in another larger study completed in 2019, where approximately 69% of alopecia patients reported improvements after doing twice-daily scalp massages.
But not only is a scalp and head massage effective at fighting against the cause of hair loss, but it can also promote tighter skin in the forehead, too! Many people are unaware that there are meridian lines on the face that run through the forehead and into the scalp, meaning the whole area is connected. So, focusing your attention on the scalp and hairline through a head massage can actually be a way to target forehead lines.
There is still more research to be done; however, the findings that we’ve seen so far are very promising regarding head massage benefits on the causes of wrinkles and hair loss.
How to Do the 5-Minute Head Massage
At MD Glam, what we love about this scalp and face massage is that it’s simple and easy to maintain and follow without using a ton of fancy tools or oils–unless you want to!
Let’s now walk you through the steps to start taking advantage of all the head massage benefits.
1st Minute
The first step is to move your fingertips in circular motions on your scalp–similar to applying shampoo.
You can begin by raking your fingers in small circles near your hairline, and gradually moving back towards the nape of your neck.
Do this for about a minute, aiming for even coverage across the scalp. You should start to feel increased blood flow to the area.
2nd Minute
After completing the first step for all-over scalp work, you’ll begin to work on the hairline.
Place three or four fingertips from each hand firmly onto the hairline near the center of your face, with your hands side by side.
Wiggle your hairline back and forth a few times, then gradually move your hands along either sides of your forehead to massage evenly. Repeat this process for about a minute.
3rd Minute
After relaxing the hair line, it’s time to work on relaxing the entire scalp.
This time, you’ll place both of your palms with light to medium pressure on your scalp, wiggling back and forth.
Move your palms around your scalp to make sure you take care of the entire area, which should take another minute.
4th Minute
During this step of the head massage, you will gently pull on sections of your hair to promote blood flow and fight the cause of hair loss.
Grab small sections in each hand at a time, and make sure you’re not pulling too hard. As you’re pulling, feel free to wiggle the strands and stretch them each out for a few seconds. Do this for about a minute.
5th Minute
The last step to the head massage is to lightly tap your fingertips all over your head and face. This will encourage increased blood flow to the entire area, which we know can help prevent the causes of wrinkles and thinning hair.
This has many benefits aside from promoting hair growth and tighter skin–research has shown that tapping can even help diminish feelings of anxiety or nervousness.
Other Helpful Tips for Faster Hair Growth and Fewer Wrinkles
Aside from this convenient and quick head massage that you can give yourself from the comfort of your own home, there are other things you can do to see improved hair thickness and curb the causes of wrinkles.
Proper Nutrition
Good nutrition has positive and long-lasting effects on your hair and skin, which is something you shouldn’t take for granted.
We cannot stress the importance of getting enough vitamins and minerals throughout the day to promote stronger hair and nail growth, and better skin, including vitamins E. C, and A, and omega-3 fatty acids.
This means adding more foods to your diet that are rich in these nutrients, and avoiding ultra-processed and artificially-sweetened foods for better hair and skin health.
Get Good Rest
Another crucial element to having healthy skin and hair is getting enough rest at night so your cells can re-generate and grow. After all, they call it ‘beauty sleep’ for a reason!
According to the CDC, adults should be getting at least seven hours of sleep per night. Aside from better skin and hair, sleeping the proper amount of hours each night just makes you feel better and refreshed each day, and is good for your overall health.
Use Quality Products
You can never overlook the real effects of using quality skincare and hair care products to fight against the cause of hair loss and wrinkles.
On the skincare side, adding quality products like a powerful SPF 50 sunscreen or Hyaluronic Acid to your daily routine can be very impactful.
Final Thoughts on the 5-Minute Scalp Massage
The 5-minute head massage benefits of growing thicker hair and seeing less wrinkles cannot be understated.
Clinically proven and super convenient, this head and scalp massage can be a great addition to anyone’s daily routine that wants to see faster hair growth and curb the cause of hair loss and fine lines on the forehead.
But, don’t forget the power that a good night’s rest, proper nutrition, and quality skin and hair care products can have when you’re fighting wrinkles and hair loss.