Self care is Important, So Is Your Approach

If you are feeling bored or unsatisfied with your life, or finding that you envy others, then it may be time to reassess yourself and your life. It’s normal to feel stuck and unmotivated sometimes. However, if you make conscious decisions to steer your life in a better direction every day, you will find yourself happier and more content than ever before.
1)Decide where you want to be
If you feel unhappy, spend some time listening to your own thoughts and identify what parts of your life you would like to change. If it’s a career change or decisions in your personal life, do you need to make more personal time for yourself, do you want to go to the gym more, do you want to spend more time with friends and family, do you want a new job. Make a list of things you would like to incorporate into your daily life that will help you achieve these goals.
2) Find motivation A mood board is a great way to keep motivated, and will keep your goals visible. Fill your mood board with motivational sayings and pictures and put it where you can see it each day. Identify points in your life when you felt really proud of yourself, and revisit those memories every day to motivate you.
3) Plan how to get there
Aristotle said, “Excellence is not an act, but a habit.” As I’ve mentioned before, achieving goals is a matter of planning, hard work, and creating good habits. It’s also important to define goals in an attainable way. Break it down into manageable steps, and you will transform your journey from just the promise of a vague goal to a clear path to success.
4) Don’t beat yourself up
You will trip up, and you will fail sometimes. You are only human. Chase your goals with a kind approach, and hold back all criticism while you figure out who you want to be.
5) Have courage When you are stuck in daily habits, stepping outside that comfort zone can be daunting. People may question your commitment to your new self. They might insist you are fine how you are, or that you will somehow be “fake” if you change yourself. Self improvement should be the act of making conscious decisions every day to identify and transform into the real you, the self you were always meant to be.