Anti Aging Herbs and Spices To Add To Your Diet

8 Anti Aging Herbs and Spices To Keep You Healthy and Live Longer
Herbs and spices make your dishes smell and taste better and do not add any calories. Certain spices can also help you in your fight against aging. Small doses provide antioxidants. They can keep your immune system strong, lower blood pressure, as well as support your digestive system. Make sure you keep the below spices stocked in your spice rack and use them regularly.
Cloves have anti-aging benefits. This spice has antioxidants and is good for inflammation. Asthma and bronchitis sufferers may find relief from cloves. It can also help relieve arthritis and muscle pains.
Cinnamon has been shown to lower blood pressure in studies on animals. The smell of fresh baked pie made with cinnamon can relax the mind and body. An added benefit is it can lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Blood-thinning compounds found in cinnamon can improve circulation.
Cur cumin, a yellow spice found in turmeric and curry powders is anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic. People in India have relied upon it for centuries to help treat digestive problems, skin diseases, and joint disorders.
Ginger is well known for relieving nausea, but it can also boost your cardiovascular health. The antioxidant properties found in ginger help your immune system to function optimally and keep you healthy.
Nutmeg is used for decreasing anxiety and treating insomnia. It can help with muscle spasms, joint pain, and gout. It is beneficial for heart health as it lowers blood pressure, increases circulation, and lowers cholesterol.
Rosemary can promote brain health. It is known to improve concentration and help your memory. It can help you fight depression also. As a powerful antioxidant, it boosts your immune system and improves circulation. It can fight cancer too as a bonus.
Garlic has the compounds that can inhibit cancer growth, decrease cholesterol levels, and prevent blood clots. Fresh garlic has the most benefits, but there are supplements available for those who do not like the taste.
Basil has beta-carotene, known as an antioxidant that prevents damage from free radicals. Free radicals are known to cause heart disease and cancer. They can also cause premature aging. Basil is good for your bones also as it contains Vitamin K, calcium, and magnesium.
Herbs and spices have been used for centuries for medicinal purposes. Adding them to your dishes can help keep you healthy and living a longer, more productive life. They add no calories, but plenty of flavors. Pick the ones you like, and sprinkle them in your favorite dishes.